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Name Sprite Description Weight Sell(cc) Buy(cc) Dropped By
Black Pearl of Tuorel Black Pearl of Tuorel.gif This special pearl was a gift from the Royal Emposian Library. 2g 200

Quest Reward

Black Pearl Black Pearl.gif 2g 100 500

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Blank Parchment Blank Parchment.png 10g

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Blank Scroll Blank Scroll.png 1g 10

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Blue-dyed Wool Blue-dyed wool.png 3g

​ ​ Quest Reward

Burnt Out Torch Burnt Out Torch.png

Thordrak Firebeard.png

Christmas Decoration Christmas Decoration.gif


Christmas Wreath Christmas Wreath.png


Emposian medal ribbon Emposian medal ribbon.png A symbol of achievement and loyalty to the Emposian Kingdom, awarded as proof of meritorious achievement. 50g 200

Quest Reward

Empty Bottle Empty Bottle.png 150g

Thordrak Firebeard.png

Empty Flask Empty Flask.png 100g

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Empty Vial Empty Vial.png 50g

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Holy Ankh Holy ankh.png 110g 100

Sirl Imparo.png

Key Ring Key ring.png 4g

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Magical Scroll Magical Scroll.png The spell that was woven into the scroll emits a sensible magic aura 1g
Medallion of the Tomb of Vril Medallion of the Tomb of Vril.png This Malieran medallion was awarded for completing the challenge of Vril Mej, in the Crypts of Korlayra. 25g

Quest Reward

Mysterious Statue Mysterious Statue.gif There is something intriguing about this statue

Quest Reward

Red Rose Red rose.png 60g 10

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Skull 2 Skull v2.png

Orc Savage.png

Skull Skulls.gif 800g

Babau.pngBrown Bear.pngCave Troll.pngEmber Wyvern.pngForest Imp.pngFrost Wyvern.pngGath'Moth.pngGloptoad.pngGoblin.pngGoblin Summoner.pngGoblin Witchmaster.pngManed Trow.pngOrc Beastmaster.pngOrc Legionnaire.pngOrc Magus.pngOrc Savage.pngPredator.pngQuagwyrm.pngQuasit.pngSkeleton.pngSkeleton Archer.pngSkeleton Warrior.pngTrow.pngWiralof.pngWitch.png Ferorn Morphis.pngMordrir Skyfire.pngNysandra Celistriel.pngShagat.pngShrachlor.pngSirl Imparo.pngWitch Freia.pngWitch Keka.pngWitch Rosice.png

Smith Hammer Smith hammer.png 'M.O.' is engraved on it. 25g

​ ​ Quest Reward

Violin Violin.png 25g 15

Quest Reward

Voodoo Doll Voodoo doll.png 90g 400 5000

Goblin Summoner.png

White Pearl of Tuorel White Pearl of Tuorel.png This special pearl was a gift from the Royal Emposian Library. 2g 100

Quest Reward

White Pearl White Pearl.gif 2g 50 250

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White Rose White rose.png 45g 10

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Yellow Rose Yellow rose.png 50g 10

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